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Two New Apps Available: Obstacle Race And Music Box

We are pleased to release to new apps for WizeFloor, Obstacle Race and Music Box developed, together with several other software updates.



In Obstacle Race, 1-4 players play together to overcome different obstacles. The players are given their own track on the floor where they run in place. The players encounter different objects such as insects, moles, footballs, bananas and much more. For some obstacles you receive bonus points while others subtract points, so be careful where you step. Eventually points are added up and the total scores of the players are displayed on the scoreboard. There are various options if you would like to design your own game. You may for example create your own obstacles, adjust the number of players, game length or speed.



Music Box is a simple app for the little ones and for sensory rooms. The app plays background music, and the players may activate different sounds by tapping images on the floor, which trigger a funny animation.

It is easy to design your own games, as you can upload your own sounds and images if you wish to work within a specific topic.


  • We have made a small correction of the Sensory Path app, where the shadow on the ceiling version of WizeFloor overshadowed the turtle in the end.
  • We have created a mode for social distancing, which allows you to disable games where players get close to each other. The feature is activated by editing your group as administrator and clicking the box “Activate social distancing” and “Save group”. The mode is then activated automatically next time you open the floor menu.


To update the software, press the “Update Available” button in your floor menu and follow the instructions. You can also find a link to the software in our help section.