In the new app, Image Stacker, the goal is to earn as many points as possible by collecting a series of pictures in a specific order.
For example, see if you can make a burger by catching the burger bun, patty, cheese, and lettuce in the correct sequence as they fall from above. But be careful not to drop the food before completing an order!
You can also create a birthday cake, build snowmen, and collect fruits.

Image Stacker is included in the new software version, available from today Image Stacker is included in the new software version, available from today. In the new software version, you will also notice the new logo, and in your community, you will find the game packs “50 Games for Schools” and “100 Games for Schools,” where we have gathered some great games that are easy to get started with.
So keep an eye out for the “Update available” button on your WizeFloor.