Case: Adult education
WizeFloor is included in teaching at the Social and Health School Fredericia

One of the major challenges for people suffering from dementia is to remember things and recognize their daily routines in everyday life. Jigsaw puzzles on WizeFloor may help relieve this problem. Through the jigsaw puzzles, the dementia sufferers learn to select a reference point on the image. For example, the point may be a flower in the bottom left corner and, in this way, the person with dementia knows where to start.
The social and health care college has had a WizeFloor in each department for the last three years. The school aims to train staff in the care and educational area and uses WizeFloor for classes in physiology, anatomy and academic subjects such as dementia and nursing care
The teachers and students create the games themselves to be used for teaching by means of the WizeFloor app.
When we create games for dementia, the games serve as educational material for the students. In these games the students must detect early signs of dementia. But the students can also be assigned to develop a game for demented citizens, the focus of which should be on training their memory, concentration, overview and attention I spillene skal eleverne for eksempel spotte tidlige tegn på demens. But the students can also be tasked with buiding a game for demented citizens, where they focus on demented people training their memory, concentration, overview and attention.
The social and health care college is currently developing a new learning portal to accommodate all the study courses offered at the college and this includes the WizeFloor
IT is an educative tool
The social and health care college is full of technology for learning. The technology provides students with new exciting ways of learning. he technology supports differentiated learning and motivates many students. The college also uses WizeFloor in an effort to enhance kinaesthetic learning, Students form the primary schools, who come to sniff the vocational school, are happy with interactive floor
The technology supports differentiated learning and helps motivate many school children. The school also uses WizeFloor with a focus on learning in motion.